Become a Hampshire Medical Fund Business Friend

Previously known as The 500 Club, Business Friends is aimed at businesses that are keen to support the Hampshire Medical Fund on an annual basis.
“RW Armstrong has supported HMF for many years and we have seen how their dedication to acquiring state of the art medical equipment has enhance patient care in our local hospitals. We take great pride in knowing that our fundraising helps make such a real and positive difference to the lives of people in our local community”
RW Armstrong Team

Benefits of Becoming a Business Friend of the Hampshire Medical Fund

  • Tax relief on the yearly amount of £500 donated to the fund (by deducting the value of your donations from your total business profits before paying tax)
  • Invitation to B2B breakfast meetings, providing an opportunity for you to network with other fantastic business supporters of the Hampshire Medical Fund.  Our next B2B meeting is on 26th September.
  • Free advertising in our bi-annual charity newsletters
  • Acknowledgments via social media throughout the year
  • The opportunity to sponsor Hampshire Medical Fund events which each offer their own additional unique benefits
  • A mutually rewarding opportunity to engage customers and staff, whilst making a real difference to the lives of those in the Hampshire community and beyond
  • Highlighting your CSR activity by using a branded ‘Proud supporters of the Hampshire Medical Fund’ banner for your business website and email footers

*If you are experiencing difficulties signing up to Become a Business Friend, please contact

Looking to Become a Friend?

Our ‘Friend Members’ (private individuals) commit to supporting the charity by donating either monthly or annually.

Support your local Hampshire Hospitals

We provide state of the art medical equipment to Andover, Basingstoke and Winchester Hospitals.

Your support directly impacts your Hampshire Hospitals.