Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is an innovative, non-invasive treatment that uses shock (or pressure) waves to induce chemical changes within cells which can help to promote tissue regeneration. It has been shown to be beneficial in the treatment of tendinopathies as well as in reducing pain and relieving muscle spasticity. ESWT is widely used in elite sports medicine and private clinics to aid recovery yet remains inaccessible to many NHS patients.

Currently, around 100 patients per week across musculoskeletal medicine, orthopaedics, physiotherapy, rheumatology, and chronic pain services require treatment beyond exercise-based therapy. While ESWT is available at Basingstoke Hospital, patients from across Mid Hampshire must travel for treatment, limiting accessibility and capacity – one machine simply cannot cope with the demand.

Key Benefits:

The addition of Extracoporeal Shockwave Therapy devices at Winchester and Andover Hospitals will:

  • Increase patient access, allowing treatment at their nearest or preferred hospital.
  • Reduce the need for referrals to radiology for ultrasound-guided or platelet-rich plasma injections.
  • Offer an alternative to surgery for difficult-to-treat tendinopathies.
  • Help patients return to work and maintain physical health

ESWT is already widely used in private sports medicine and elite athlete care, but by expanding access within the NHS, we can help patients return to work, improve physical activity levels, prevent obesity and maintain their physical and mental health.

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